To ensure the security of your account, we recommend that you choose a password that includes both :
Upper case
Lower case
Special characters
At least 8 characters
It's essential not to reuse the same password on different websites, and to remember to change it regularly for optimum security 😉
Finally, for optimum security, you can activate double authentication for your account.
But what is double authentication ?
Double authentication allows you to have double security to access your account and therefore to secure it to the maximum 🔐
Do you want to activate it ? It's very simple, watch this short video, or follow the instructions below :
➡ Go to "Mon Profil > Mon Compte"
Once you've clicked on "ACTIVATE", you'll be taken to a page on which a QR code will appear.
Download one of the following applications from the Applestore or Playstore: Google Authenticator, LastPass Authenticator, Microsoft Authentificator, Authy...
Scan the QR code from the downloaded application to activate dual authentication.
Once the two-step validation has been configured, log in to your space as usual: you will systematically be asked for a code in addition: it will be generated by the application (so be careful not to delete this application) 😃
💡Dual authentication can be activated on many e-commerce sites as well as on your email address. Don't hesitate, security is important, especially on the internet 😉 it's very simple, watch this short video, or follow the instructions below :